Reusable recycled PET bottle
To reduce your ecological footprint, focus on reusable bottle in recycled PET. An excellent alternative to classic plastic, this material combines respect for the planet and everyday practicality. My Eco Design is the partner you need to integrate this type of accessory into your communication and customer loyalty strategy. A eco business gift that we customize to your colors.
Here is the only result
At a time when environmental protection is at the heart of all concerns, awareness is essential. Hotels, companies, communities and individuals are investing more and more in eco-responsible actions in order to reverse the trend. In recent years, the reusable bottle was a real success. Beyond its practical aspect, it is an accessory with a low ecological footprint. The issue is not limited to the use of a reusable bottle. It is important to take into account a more complex process, from the choice of the material of manufacture to the end of the life of the bottle.
My Eco Design offers you its famous reusable bottle in recycled PET. This is a signed model Aquadri.
Why a reusable PET bottle, what is it?
PET or Poly Ethylene Terephthalate is a synthetic material from the family of plastics. Chemically speaking, it is a refined petroleum. However, PET has different characteristics than conventional plastic. It is recognized not only for its conservation qualities, but above all for its ecological qualities.
The characteristics of a PET bottle
A PET bottle stands out for many characteristics, which explains the fact that it is more popular than other types of reusable bottles.
Savings in manufacturing
Any processing of glass or plastic requires handling at high temperatures. This can even go up to 1°C. In the case of PET, 000°C is enough to transform the raw material into a bottle. This represents a considerable energy saving during the manufacturing process.
Lightness and resistance
A PET bottle weighs significantly less than a glass model with the same capacity. In addition, PET is a material particularly renowned for its resistance, solidity and flexibility. Thus, it is less sensitive to attacks, such as shocks, friction, falls, etc.
Thanks to the lightness of PET, it is possible to reduce the energy expenditure associated with the transport of products.
Eco-responsible end of life
PET is a fully recyclable material. In addition, the energy costs incurred during its recycling are particularly low. On average, recycling a PET bottle saves more than 60% of energy for the manufacture of a new bottle. Thus, the recycling process requires less energy than primary production. According to the figures received, the recycling of PET bottles contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases tight. Since PET is a material made from a non-renewable resource, favoring reusable bottle in recycled PET is an excellent less to participate in the preservation of the ecosystem. Moreover, statistics show that recycling PET saves more than 34 million liters of oil.
In this sense, My Eco Design offers reusable bottles made entirely from recycled PET.
What are the advantages of opting for a recycled PET bottle?
You will understand, the reusable RPET bottles represent a perfect solution, whether in terms of practicality or durability.
A smaller ecological footprint
Opting for a reusable bottle made of recycled PET reduces your carbon footprint. Indeed, the ecological impact of this material is significantly lower than that of virgin PET. Recycled PET is also lighter than conventional PET, which significantly reduces CO2 emissions.
This type of reusable container Above all, it supports efforts to reduce waste. At the end of their life, they generate new raw materials. These represent a valuable resource for different industries.
In this sense, many companies and communities call on My Eco Design to order recycled PET bottles that are personalized in their colors, with their logos. Investing in this type of product underlines a commitment to the planet. It's a great way to convey an eco-responsible image to your target audience.
Unbreakable bottles
As stated above, a reusable recycled PET bottle can withstand all shocks. Thus, you are guaranteed a product with a long shelf life, unlike a glass bottle.
Multiple uses
The reusable PET bottle is suitable for all uses. It can serve as a container for a brand. Moreover, PET is a perfectly reliable material in terms of hygiene and health. It can also be distributed as goodies. In order to meet your requirements, My Eco Design offers you the possibility of personalize your reusable recycled PET bottles. Moreover, the models offered on the site are available in several colors (Acquadri 50 colored).
Reusable PET bottles and selective sorting
The use of reusable PET bottles may be accompanied by the implementation of a selective sorting system. This is an important aspect of recycling this type of container.
According to the color codes in force, reusable PET bottles can be stored in the yellow sorting bins.
Made in France at the heart of the collection
In addition to being reusable, practical and recyclable at will, the PET bottles signed Acquadri are 100% Made in France. The entire manufacturing process takes place in France, from the collection of raw materials to the packaging. Much more than a label, the mention "Made in France" is a guarantee of quality. Indeed, each step of the value chain is meticulously controlled according to the imposed standards. Inputs, processing methods, labeling… Everything is scrutinized in order to meet market requirements.
In order to support you in your sustainable development initiatives, My Eco Design collaborates with committed brands such as Aquadri. You will find on the site all the products and the customization possibilities of the water bottles. Do not hesitate to ask for a detailed quote.
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* In France metro,
for a purchase over 75 €