We see everything in thestaircase kit. Whether in wood, metal, metal with wooden steps, kit staircases aim to allow DIY enthusiasts to install their own staircase themselves. Goals may vary from person to person. Many factors can vary and we are often forced to compromise between design, price and ease of assembly. It is in this state of mind that the French brand RondCarré was imagined. No more compromises, make way for one metal staircase delivered in kit, design, easy to install and at a lower cost! Discover the new RondCarré experience!

Staircase in RondCarré kit, to assemble yourself

The staircase in kit form: the misconceptions that we have

Often a kit staircase rhymes with compromise. As mentioned, the kit stairs that we often see on the market impose many constraints. On the Ooreka site, an article is dedicated to kit stairs. For example, we read that "this type of staircase is not recommended for young children and elderly people, because it is sometimes not very safe and practical as a main staircase". We also read that, "generally quite narrow, it offers average quality: the joints and assemblies are not technically perfect and can deteriorate over time."

All this is true if we talk about the kit stairs that we have been presented to us for several years. But that's without counting the RondCarré metal stairs. These next generation stairs are the opposite of what is written in Ooreka's article.

They are of artisanal quality and not "average quality". Designed by two craftsmen, two UFOs, a jeweler and a civil engineer, the RondCarré designer staircases meet the strict criteria of an artisanal quality staircase, it is simply a custom-made staircase!

"The joints and assemblies are not technically perfect and can deteriorate over time": quite the contrary, the CarréFrappé fastening system, protected by a patent, is a unique assembly system that combines robustness and elegance, traditional tools and new technologies. I invite you to discover in detail the Square Struck ! In spite of the simplicity of the assembly, a fixing of the metal without welding, with the only help of a hammer, a step resists 2 tons in bending and 9 tons in shear!

Design staircase in RondCarré kit, a staircase in kit to assemble yourself

CarréFrappé, a unique and patented fixing system, which combines strength and elegance, a traditional tool and new technologies.

Finally, "this type of staircase is not recommended for use with young children or elderly people, as it is sometimes not very safe and practical as a main staircase". This is not the case, all the tests were carried out on the RondCarré kit staircases.

Stairs in RondCarré kit, 3 fosi cheaper than a traditional staircase

Stairs in kit form can also be made-to-measure stairs

Another popular idea is that a kit staircase is not a custom-made staircase. However, in essence, a staircase worthy of the name is necessarily a tailor-made staircase. It adapts to your home, to location constraints, to your taste.

The staircase in kit is indeed often assimilated to a staircase manufactured industrially, in series. This implies that the dimensions remain standard and that tailor-made is not possible.

The young brand RondCarré once again pushes the limits by affirming that it is possible to offer a Staircase in kit, tailor-made, industrially manufactured and of artisanal quality !
Using laser cutting, RondCarré optimizes the cutting of all the parts constituting their stairs. But an ingenious development has been carried out internally to automatically cut these parts according to the dimensions noted which are specific to you.

I invite you to discover thehistory of RondCarré stairs, a new adventure begins and the first customers are already satisfied with their experience… RondCarré is simply a staircase 🙂

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